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Writer's pictureBrad and Kate

We arrived

We have arrived in Bogota. We had 2 very good flights and we are excited to be back. It has brought back a lot of memories as we were heading out and leaving our home at 4 am in the morning. It felt like we were just here. However it was much more relaxing this time then last time. We got into our hotel last night at 8 pm and we were exhausted and ready to sleep. We got up this morning and had breakfast at our hotel and walked to the grocery store. You could tell we were much more comfortable this time as were were walking around. I don't think we anticipated the amount of stuff we were going to get and the 8 min walk felt long with our hands full of groceries, but it was beautiful and the sun was shining.

We then saw Soraya again which was so nice to see her again since our trip. She took us to La Casa (Orphanage) and we walked those same steps that we just got done walking 9 months ago. It felt so different this time but the tears were hard to hold back. So many memories of Cruz walking those halls and making the nurses smile. He will forever be missed.

We met some of the people at La Casa and they went over all of Jose's paperwork and what to expect for tomorrow. We have no idea how it will go tomorrow. We do know that God is going before us and we know that we are where he wants us to be. We are so excited and yet so scared all at the same time. Continue to pray for us and that the adjustment goes well. I can't imagine what Jose is thinking and feeling as well and my heart breaks for him. Before we left the orphanage one of the nurses told us that they named the one room "Diego's Room" in memory of Cruz. There are currently 4 orphan children that live in that room. That was so special to me and we cried together. After we left the orphanage we decided to go to Cruz's grave however we were not successful in finding it. There are thousands of graves in the walls and there is no record of where people are. One of Cruz's care takers who was at the funeral said she will try to arrange a time to go with us.

It was sad but we also felt peace and know that Cruz is in a better place with his heavenly father. He is healed and happy. Thanks again for all your support. We will try to update in the next few days how things are going. We are excited to bring our son home.

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